Refill Ink for HP 364 Ink is soon available

Post by (Toner Cartridge Suppliers)

Our ink manufacturer has informed us today is good news. Our Ink Cartridges for HP 364 XL entickelt is ready and will soon be available.

The specially designed HP 364 Ink is finished and goes later this week in the validation. This means that the ink is for 3 weeks at 60 ° C in a special oven.

In addition, the ink is still charged in HP print cartridges and the HP printer into storage for three weeks. Then we can be sure that no problems with storage, drying occurs in the printer, and interactions between foam and ink. If any unexpected problems occur, we can deliver the orders from mid-April.

Until then, we can offer the Inktec refill inks kits. These refill kits, in addition to a smaller amount of ink, and the right tools, such as refill adapter, drill and Refill it.


Tags:Compatible Toner Cartridge Toner Cartridge Manufacturer